“We wanted to get the footings into the ground as quickly as possible while saving money at the same time. Helix ticked all the boxes... We could tie the vertical reinforcement to the starter bars of the previous Blade Walls first thing in the morning, lower the Sacrificial Form Work Walls over the 8-N16’s, tie one LIG to the top of the walls to space the vertical reinforcement evenly, and pour the walls in the afternoon. It saved us between 1-2 days to construct the walls for each floor.”
Construction Manager, Concreting Contractor
“It is great not having to carry, cut, and lay mesh every other day. Moreover, we don’t have to stumble over mesh all the time on the day of the pour.”
Structural Engineer and Project Owner
“Replacing the rebar and mesh in this project; especially in the walls; saved me at least two weeks of labour”.
Projects Coordinator, Mining Company
"We initially trialled Helix due to its ability to completely remove any steel placement errors and safety risks which can occur. After the first pour, all our staff appreciated its advantages over mesh. We have reduced man-hours, decreased time between pours, and totally eliminated manual handling and trip hazards associated with traditional reinforcing. Just the shear convenience of having it already in the concrete is logistically easy."
General Manager, Mining Company
"Using Helix Micro-Rebar provided a significant advantage by eliminating the time, effort and logistics of placing heavy mesh. It allowed for the job to be completed safely, reduced our project schedule and provided a direct cost saving."
Owner of Construction Company
“We love Helix. It has enabled us to accelerate our construction time-lines by eliminating a lot of the steel.”
Director of Major Concreting Company
"Helix Micro-Rebar is fantastic for concreters to use. It is not harmful or dangerous and causes no change to our detailed OH&S plan for our staff. It mixed well into the concrete, was laid with no issues and excellent to handle. No Helix was visible at all. The use of Helix saved at least 12 man hours of work, providing cost savings, and allowed for faster turn around time. "
Here's what our clients all over the world say ...
Helix in Mexico...
Helix in America...
Juan - Mexico
“We have in Monterrey this 10 stories high parking building and another parking SOG at the 8th level underground, by the way in approximately 30,000.00 sqrmt and 3.5 kms from the area where a lot of buildings fell down in Mexico city by the earthquakes. There is not a single crack.”
Swederski - Concrete Paving - America
"We worked with Helix Steel on multiple projects. We worked with them to design and install an exterior structural slab reinforced with Helix instead of 2 layers of rebar. The slab was designed to carry heavy fork lift loads of very large cable spools. The installation of the slab with Helix went as expected with no issues. The client was pleased with the results."
Professional Engineering Associates - America
“We worked with Helix Steel in 2012 to design a heavy duty structural slab/mat designed to carry extreme point loads form cable spools. Helix was used to replace two layers of rebar. The client and contractor were pleased with the results and have expressed interest in using Helix on future expansion projects.”
Ahrens Companies - America
“We have poured multiple projects using Helix reinforcement which is well over 500,000 sf of surface. The heavy-duty slabs are designed to handle very heavy repeat traffic and loads including HS-20 truck and wheel loaders. The project pours went well and all parties are happy with the results. The slabs have performed exactly as designed.”