A major structural construction project has incorporated Helix Twisted Steel Micro Rebar (TSMR) in the majority of structural concrete elements for a rock crushing and processing plant located between Melbourne and Geelong in Victoria. The goal of the contractor was to expedite their building program whilst at the same time reducing steel reinforcement costs of this structural construction project.
Helix TSMR replaced all the main reinforcement for the majority of Slabs on Ground, including its Edge Beams and Internal Beams. These slabs included crusher, blending, screen and magnet stations, heavy duty wash-down areas, mess and ablution facilities, and bunded area slabs. The bund walls for the latter were also designed so that Helix TSMR replaced all the conventional reinforcement whilst only retaining the starter bars to tie into the slab underneath. Helix TSMR also replaced all the reinforcement for runways and kerbs.
A Helix Hybrid TSMR and rebar/mesh design was adopted for a number of Class B and C structural elements. In most cases the amount of steel was reduced by a size with ligs and stirrups spaced further apart, and where applicable, eliminating shrinkage mesh for ease of constructability. These structures included pedestals, in-situ cast tunnel base slabs and walls.
The contractors, Conset (Vic) Pty Ltd and their concreters, M.A.S. Allstruct, were happy with the ease of using Helix reinforced concrete on this structural construction project and were satisfied with the range of finishes achieved. These included burnished and non-slip finishes.
Do you want your next Structural Construction Project to be:
with Helix TSMR? Contact Us today for a no-obligation, detailed analysis of each of your structural concrete elements.